Sourcing Chinese Manufacturing Companies
How To Manufacture A New Product If You Don’t Know Anyone In China
Many million dollar product ideas are lost because of a lack of knowledge of sourcing Chinese manufacturing companies.
Putting great ideas on the back burner because people in your company don’t know how to get a prototype and test the market cheaply can cost millions of dollars in potential profits in countries like the US, Canada, Australia and the European Union.
At some point you will say to yourself “I need a manufacturer to make my product”.
How To Find A Good Manufacturer In China

There are many steps to building a supply chain for a product, including design, transport & logistics, due diligence and negotiation.
Here’s an easy way to quickly connect with the right China manufacturing company and get an edge over your competition. You won’t have to miss out on cashing in on great opportunities in the future.
Why Sourcing Chinese Manufacturing Companies Is A Smart Idea
China is one of the most important manufacturers in the world. It is a world leader in building custom products because Chinese factories are specialists in many categories.
A company that specializes in your product category can save you a lot of money. And, you can get fast turnaround times because they already have in place:
- The best suppliers of raw materials
- Parts
- Engineers and designers
- All aspects of labor and talent you would need already exist in their supply chain
- All the connections you will need to coordinate on schedule shipping at a low cost
- All aspects of paperwork and processing like customs and duties.
How To Find A Good Manufacturer In China
You can find a product manufacturer’s list online, but in order to quickly test your idea, a contract manufacturing company might be a better way to get started.
Contract Manufacturing – The Secret To Quick Product Testing And Timely Roll-Outs
Contract manufacturing is a form of outsourcing where a manufacturer contracts with a purchasing company to do the production of product, components, or ready-to-use end products.
As a purchasing company you would approach different contract manufacturing companies who could custom manufacture products for you.
Contract manufacturing companies will quote the parts based on the cost of processes, labor, tooling, and raw materials based on either a product design or formula at hand, or based on the contract manufacturer’s design.
After a purchasing company decides which contract manufacturer to partner with, the contract manufacturer produces and/or ships the components or end products either directly to end consumers or to the purchasing company (for assembly, packaging, etc.)
Contract manufacturing is used for sourcing Chinese manufacturing companies that specialize in electronics, semiconductors, textiles, food, energy, personal care, automotive, and more.
It is a reliable strategy to reduce costs, tax liabilities, labor costs and more.
How To Find Contract Manufacturers In China
Every year there are hundreds of trade fairs in China. Each one has several thousand manufacturer’s representatives pitching their group of manufacturing companies. That’s where you would normally start the process of sourcing Chinese manufacturing companies.
Behind the manufacturer’s agents there are hundreds of thousands of small manufacturers, some even operating from their homes.
These factories employ local talent such as engineers and designers, but many of them provide access to unskilled laborers to do the work that machines cannot.
While the manufacturer’s representative can often (but not always) speak some English, most of the time, the factory owners cannot speak any English.
This makes it very difficult to have good quality control of your project.
How To Make China Manufacturing Easy And Profitable
While manufacturer’s representatives are trying to get you to give them your business, there are consultants who specialize in screening manufacturer’s representatives.
The person who screens manufacturer’s representatives is known as a “Sourcing Agent”.
Which Kind Of Sourcing Agent Should You Hire?
There are many types of sourcing agents but generally they fall into two categories.
One type of sourcing agent gets to know hundreds of manufacturer’s representatives and helps Westerner’s select the right representative for their needs.
The second type of sourcing agent not only knows hundreds of manufacturer’s agents, but also knows the manufacturer, intimately.
Sourcing agents like this allow you to access manufacturers directly.
They can find the right specialist for your project without having to go through manufacturer’s agents first.
This saves you money.
You have more control over your project.
You get exactly what you want, when you want it.
For over 30 years, Arcadia Sourcing has been working with manufacturer’s agents, manufacturers, shipping agents and all aspects of the supply chain in China.
Arcadia Sourcing’s head office is located in Hong Kong, which is a quick commute to most of the manufacturing companies that supply the West.
If you want to get the best price, best quality, best terms and on time delivery, give Arcadia Sourcing a call.
They will make the process of sourcing Chinese manufacturing companies easy and profitable for you.