Frequently Asked Questions
Sourcing FAQ

Probably the most important sourcing FAQ question we get asked. We take all types of custom-made products from concept to market.

Our sourcing process applies to over 300+ product categories. Some of our most popular product categories include electronics, watches, toys, games, promotional items, giftware, bags, housewares, stationery, and outdoor items.

If you want to buy direct from the manufacturer, we can find absolutely any product throughout Asia– as long as it actually exists!

We have direct manufacturing experience in the following industries:

Consumer electronicsHousewares
Toys and gamesHome decor
Sports equipmentSeasonal decorations
Promotional giftsSouvenirs
pet productsBags
Watches and clocksPPE protective equipment
PackagingCustom molded plastics
Construction/building supplies (Oak flooring, windows, fasteners)And Much More!

This is a great sourcing FAQ question. Our goal is to find the most suitable manufacturing facility for your exact requirements in terms of:

  • Product
  • Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)
  • Price
  • Quality
  • Certifications

Next, we assess our overall experience in how well they communicate with their clients (responsiveness), the competencies they are advertising, export experience, brands they manufacture for, etc.

We also look at factory size, find out who their other customers are, production time, and CSR standards.

In addition, we go and physically look at their manufacturing facility, meet the owners and managers and get a general feel for the company.

Definitely! Just let us know which standard you want the manufacturer to meet such as organic materials, certifications, ethical standards, whether they treat employees decently, or any other criteria you have in mind.

Another popular sourcing FAQ question. We would love for you to visit your chosen factory if you have the time!

We regularly visit factories on behalf of our clients but when the actual client visits it creates a great bond and helps make things happen quicker.

If you as the customer decide to fly to Hong Kong and China, our team will be with you to show you how we work on the ground and assist with communicating with the suppliers in Cantonese and Mandarin.

In addition, our team members are huge foodies and we know all the hotspots. We will give you a real treat when you come to visit!

We take this sourcing FAQ question very seriously. This is the whole idea behind having us act as an entire procurement team, on your behalf!

We can visit your factories within 1-2 business days and perform a thorough audit of their facilities. You will get photos & videos of everything you want to see.

We conduct regular quality control inspections at various stages of production to assess your products each time you make an order. This way you know exactly what is being produced and exactly what to expect when your shipment arrives.

If there are issues we can ensure the manufacturer rectifies these before they dispatch your goods (and before you make the final payment).

To learn more about our stringent Auditing and Quality Control Inspection process click here.

We put sales contracts together for your suppliers to sign – outlining QCA defects, penalties for delays, production time, and so on.

We have our multi-lingual teams draft these in Mandarin and Cantonese so that nothing is lost in translation.

We, as your local team member, visit your new supplier and speak with your supplier’s staff members in their own language and check in with them regularly.

This helps you build a strong relationship with your manufacturer. A strong relationship builds trust. It is the best foundation for beneficial business practices, particularly in Eastern cultures.

We renegotiate terms as your ordering behavior becomes more prominent to your factory.

Our assessment of a factory always incorporates a set guideline of minimum standards. We are aware of our corporate responsibility and are committed to ensuring products are manufactured in a responsible manner. We only work with a reputable network of factories that promote CSR.

Arcadia International places a great emphasis on answering this important sourcing FAQ question about ethical practices. Advocating for ethical work practices and a quality lifestyle for factory workers is our top priority.

We audit our suppliers on a regular basis to ensure ethical labor practices and environmental control such as health, safety, legal working age, working hours, compensation, benefits, and environmental protection have been assumed.

We are also dedicated to maintaining a high standard of compliance to different kinds of standards and requirements, including Labor Standard, Health & Safety of Working Environment, Environmental Standard, C-TAPT & ETI Requirement, and others.

We take your Intellectual Property (IP) very seriously. Arcadia Sourcing has helped bring many great innovations to life

We use customized Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA) and Non-Disclosure, Non-Use, and Non-Circumvention agreements (NNN’s) before they receive any sensitive information.

If you have a patented or unique product, speak to us and we will devise the best way to communicate with China manufacturers.

We will never share your product information or disclose your information to any other factories, competitors, or in any way that would compete with or harm/damage your business. Contact us for details and sample IP agreements.

Once we have collected at least 5-6 reliable quotations (after approaching 10+ factories) we present you with quotes from the top 2-3 performing manufacturers. All quotations contain a summary of sample/prototype costs, MOQ, manufacturing costs, materials, production time, landed costings including our fees, freight, customs, duties and taxes, and more.

We try to answer all your sourcing FAQ questions up front to make it easy for you to see the true cost of your goods and compare manufacturer quotes.

Yes, our in-house engineers are creative, qualified, and ready to take your idea from concept to completion.

In the majority of cases, you will save money overall by using Arcadia Sourcing to find and manage your suppliers, so in reality, there would be no net cost for our services.

Having said that, our costs for engagement will depend on your project requirements.

You will get a breakdown of all costs including all services prior to manufacturing such as R&D, CAD design and product engineering assistance, auditing, etc.

When you get in touch with us, we will ask for some information from you and you will receive a proposal outlining the costs, strategy, and recommendations.

We go through these options with you over the phone as well and if needed, tailor-make your package based on your Company’s needs.

Our team is trilingual – we are fluent in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese.

Our sourcing, inspection, and logistics team members are 100% fluent in Cantonese and Mandarin and we are totally familiar with the traditions and culture. This enables us to have good relations with the manufacturer for the long term.

We take all types of custom-made products from concept to market. Some of our most popular product categories include electronics, watches, toys, games, promotional items, giftware, bags, housewares, stationery, and outdoor items.

Our on-the-ground presence in China means our team can verify ‘who is who’ and separate the excellent practicing factories from the bad ones, regardless of what they advertise.

It is all about being able to monitor their operations so we can swiftly and accurately identify the right Chinese suppliers for you by using our stringent auditing process, enabling your business to make intelligent Sourcing decisions.

With the right local connections, you get access to the best freight prices & a full supply chain & procurement team improving products & margins for your business.

Arcadia Sourcing’s main office is located in Hong Kong and we have several satellite offices in strategic places throughout China.

Our office address is:

12/F Suite B5 Efficiency House
35 Tai Yau St.
San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Email your questions to our sourcing agents at or fill out our Contact Form.

Alternately, call us directly at 1-888-659-1018.

Below we have summarized the most common questions FAQs we get asked as an experienced China Sourcing Company.

  • We have a local presence in Hong Kong so we can physically oversee your project.
  • Access to hard to find, high-quality manufacturers. 70 percent of products we export are not listed on or other English-speaking websites. Many of the good factories only attend trade shows in China. Unless you are here, you would never know about them. Some of the best factories will only work with sourcing agents they know and trust. We have connections with some of the best manufacturers in the world.
  • You get hands-on management of your project. Since we are located in China our team can verify ‘who is who’ and separate the excellent practicing factories from the bad ones, regardless of what they advertise.
  • We have the most awesome team – Over the years we have acquired some of the best project managers and specialists in the business. Each person has a passion for their area of expertise.
    And best of all, we work very well together so nothing will slip through the cracks when we take on your project.Whether it is our in-house engineer, logistics specialist, creative director, senior sourcing agent, head of inspections…everyone in our team collaborates on your project to make it a success.A team with the caliber of expertise that has years of experience working together is a rare find.

    Our entire team is in the loop with your project for seamless communication. Everyone contributes their expertise so when you use our services, you have access to all of our knowledge, experience, and resources.

Head Office:

Arcadia Sourcing International Ltd.
12/F Suite B5 Efficiency House 35 Tai Yau St.
San Po Kong, Kowloon · Hong

Get in Touch
USA: +1 (888) 659 1018
Hong Kong: +852 2367 3335
Whatsapp: +852 9436 0099 

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